Discover Aleve: Benefits and Side-Effects

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By: safikul

Including supplements according to your health conditions is crucial and can be challenging sometimes. Alevemente is dedicated to offering insightful information and guidance for a better living. Aleve is a supplement that is used to cure, prevent disease, and ease symptoms. If you are curious about this supplement’s advantages, storage tips, and additional guidance to enhance your healthy living, you have come to the right place. 

This comprehensive guide explores Aleve’s correct usage and its potential side effects. Follow this article till the end before adding Aleve to your diet chart as this can hinder your healthful living. Let’s get ready. 

What Is Aleve?

Aleve is not just any mere supplement. It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAID). Naproxen causes inflammation and pain in the body by lowering hormones in the body. Aleve’s role is significant in treating minor pains and aches caused by muscle aches, arthritis, toothache, headache, common cold, backaches, and menstrual cramps. 

This medicine composition acts as a pain relief. It is also used to treat fevers and coughs for a short period of time. The intake of this oral supplement should be prescribed and guided by a physician. As a chemical composition, it can hinder your other medicine routine. 

Usage of Aleve for Well-being

This is an oral supplement and should be taken at the direction of the physician. Usually, healthcare professionals recommend taking this medicine 2 to 3 times per day with a full glass or 240 ml of water. Do not lie down right after taking this medicine. You can take at least 10 minutes break. Try not to take the medicine on an empty stomach. You can take this with milk, antacid or any food to prevent any stomach ache. 

If you are using Aleve as an over-the-counter medicine, you should read the directions provided on the product package. If your doctor has prescribed Naproxen, you can read the medication Guide provided by the pharmacist to understand the Aleve Dosage

Potential Side Effects

You may experience potential side effects after taking this medication. Many people do not have serious side effects after taking this medicine. Here are some common side effects of Aleve

Common side effects 

  • Difficulty in breathing 
  • Itching skin 
  • Bruising 
  • Stomach pain 
  • Headache 
  • Swelling 
  • Belching 
  • Indigestion 
  • Tightness in the chest 

Less common side effects 

  • Blurred or loss of vision 
  • Cloudy urine
  • Constipation 
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Bloating 
  • Burning upper abdomen 
  • Vomiting 
  • Decrease in urine 
  • Nausea 
  • Double vision 

How to Store Aleve?

It is always recommended to store medicines in a low-temperature room. You can store this medicine compound at room temperature. Make sure to keep Aleve away from moisture and bright light. Store these medicines in a safe place where your children and pets can not reach. You can also follow the guidelines provided on the back of the medicine to store it properly. 

Do not flush any expired medicines down the toilet or pour them into the drain unless instructed to do so. You should properly discard the medicines when it is no longer needed or expired. 

Tips for Enhanced Living 

Here are some tips on Aleve’s usage to enhance your medicine intake and more healthy living: 

  • Interacting this medicine with other drugs can change the way your medicine works or increase your risk for serious side effects. Consult about your current medication system with your physician before taking Aleve
  • Try not to start, change, or stop the dosage of any prescribed medicines without your doctor’s approval. It can lessen their effects. 
  • Be patient as oral medicines may take time to show notable results. For Aleve’s case, it can take up to two weeks of regular intake before you can experience full benefits and Alevemente
  • You should not take this medicine if you are allergic to Naproxen. It can cause intestinal or stomach bleeding especially in older adults. 
  • You should only take Aleve for a short period. If you are consuming this medication for a long time, it can cause results in certain medical tests. 
  • If your child is taking this medicine, tell your doctor if you notice any change in their weight. The dosage of Naproxen is based on the weight of the children. 


Aleve is a very effective and commonly used medication among people. It is beneficial for minor pains, aches, and colds. However, the wrong dosage and long-term usage of this medication can cause various severe side effects. We recommend you always consult with a physician or a pharmacist before taking this medicine. 

We hope you have got detailed information on Aleve’s benefits and side effects. This article does not cover all the necessary insights and instructions into this chemical composition. To explore more possible interactions about this topic stay connected with Alevemente. 


How does Naproxen act in the human body system?

Naproxen lessens the hormones in your body and acts as a pain relief. It usually comes out of your body within approximately 93.5 hours. 

How to store Aleve?

You should store Aleve in a dark and moisture-free place where direct sunlight can not reach. You must keep it at home temperature and in a safe place where children and pets can not reach.

Can children use Aleve?

Yes. Children can use Aleve. However, you must consult the dosage with a physician. 

Which is stronger Aleve or ibuprofen?

According to experts, 440 mg Aleve’s dose is equal to 400 mg ibuprofen. So, we can say that ibuprofen is stranger than the Aleve

About safikul

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