Degloving Injury: Even Doctors Say It’s Brutal!

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By: Sarah Jay

WebMD News calls degloving the most dreadful disease of all time and healthline calls it the most severe injury that can happen to Mankind. As the author of this website, I want to make you aware of this infection, so that you can feel the pain of the people who have suffered it. That being said let’s deep dive into medical terminologies and explore its possible causes, effects, and treatment regarding this fatal disfigurement.

Unlocking Degloving Injury 

According to our understanding, we believe that degloving is a type of injury where the skin gets separated from its tissues and bones. The term “degloving” comes from the natural term Deglove ( where a person removes his glove after work).   

Now in medical terminology when the skin gets removed from tissues and bones it is also called degloving.  Some of the studies revealed at Healthline suggest that there are two types of degloving 

Closed Degloving

This is more severe than the open degloving. In open degloving, the pain remains visible in front of the eyes.  A doctor will be able to see that your skin has been removed from tissues. 

In closed ones, the injury is internal and the doctor needs to do multiple X-rays and MRIs to find the issue. According to a survey, 7 out of 10 people delay their diagnosis since their injury seems to be internal. 

The most common areas where it can occur are 

  • Buttocks 
  • Torso 
  • Spine
  • Knees

Open Degloving :

This type of injury happens when the skin gets completely ripped out from tissues and bones. This means a person can only see tissue and bones and not your skin. 

Some of the most common reasons why this injury can happen are 

  • Animal  bites 
  • Sports injuries 
  • Falling from heights 
  • Traffic accidents

The most common areas where it can  occur are 

  • Torso 
  • scalp 
  • Face 
  • Legs 

Treating Degloving injury

Reports from Webmd suggest that treating open and closed degloving has different measures and requirements to be done.  For open degloving, Every hospital or emergency room doesn’t have the right equipment for doctors to treat complex skin repair like degloving. Based on the level of the injury the most common treatments that are suggested are 

  • Amputation
  • Using skin grafts from other parts of the body 
  • Finger and toe reattachment 
  • Reattachment of skin

All these treatments would require multiple surgeries and hence you would need to stay in the hospital for weeks and also make use of the physical therapy to make the pain feel normal to your body. 

Compilations occurring in Degloving Injury 

Research from JTI suggests that there are infections and complications that would occur since the infection remains deep-rooted.  As soon as you have surgeries of degloving make sure you ask your doctor or the medical professional to clean the wounds with proper care since any untreated post-surgery degloving injury might give rise to following complications 

  • High fever 
  • Painful swelling with a red color appearing around the edges 
  • Body aches all over 
  • Yellowing of the wound along with a bad smell

Are private parts victims of degloving injury

Yes, they are and there is a special term for it too and it is called degloving Weiner.  According to the insights suggested by Tampa General Hospital, this injury can have a more traumatic effect than the rest because self-confidence goes to zero when your private parts are not functional.  The treatment procedure is the same as other degloving injuries that are mentioned in the previous section of the article. 

How to prevent yourself from getting a Degloving injury

Certain precautions will prevent you from getting the injury.  They are listed as follows 

  • When working in heavy machinery make sure that you wear protective layering 
  • Follow traffic laws at all times and wearing seatbelts will prevent you from accidents.
  • Handling animals with proper care would save you from severe bites.
  • If you are working in an industrial area make sure you wear protective gear.


So if you are someone who is troubled with the question “What is degloving” and trying to find the answers, then we are your one-stop destination since we have listed possible causes, treatments, and prevention so that this fatal injury never happens to you,. 

About Sarah Jay

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